Sunday, December 29, 2019

Why School Curriculum Should Be A Multicultural Essay

Response to Prompt #1 From this week s reading of Teaching to Change the World, we learned of the demographic shift in public education. I believe this change is happening for the better. Like many institutions in our society, we must change with the times to meet the needs of the people we serve. School curriculum should be something that is always evolving, for the simple fact that students who our public schools are serving learn differently and at times, come with a different set of cultural norms and experiences with them that may impact the way they learn. My K-12 school experience was in an urban environment that was predominantly African American. In my first three years of teaching my school demographic has been similar to my own school experience. I believe curriculum should be multicultural in focus. For example, in my first teaching position at a charter school on the North side of Columbu, OH, my school s population had an overwhelming number of students from western and eastern Africa. The school represented the demographic shift that was occurring on the northside of Columbus. First year teaching is already an overwhelming experience, but add on not having any curriculum guidance and having to make everything from scratch with limited resources made me think outside of the box. I was teaching world history that year, my major focus of that year was making connections on how european colonialism and exploitation of groups around the world have and stillShow MoreRelatedStudents Are Not Entering The Classroom With The Knowledge And Understanding Of Multicultural Education762 Words   |  4 Pagesclassroom with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of multicultural literature. 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I will be highlighting the presentations of Sarah, Virginia, Jessica and Ericka. Sarah Sponsel’s topic was multicultural education. Caleb Rosado shares that a school can be multicultural based on whether or not it uses the Five Ps. The five Ps are perspectives, policies, programs, personnel, and practices. The schools must also implement the four imperatives. The imperatives are: 1. Reflect the heterogeneity of the school; 2. Are sensitive to the needs ofRead MoreMulticultural Curriculum For A Multicultural Classroom1425 Words   |  6 PagesWhen I first started this class I was aware of multicultural curriculum but I was not aware of how important it was in a classroom setting. As the weeks have gone by in this class, I have learned that multicultural curriculum is important because it s a way for teachers to include all children from diverse backgrounds. 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